House-hunting checklist - A handy checklist for viewing properties
Things to consider before you sign - This resource takes students through the things they need to consider before they sign their name on the dotted line.
Model guarantor agreement - This is a model guarantor agreement provided by Unipol Student Homes to limit guarantor liability to one person's share of the rent. Please note, by permitting you to use this guarantor agreement, neither Unipol Student Homes nor NUS are providing any warranty as to the correctness or validity of this document and you use it at your own risk.
Be Clear on Fees and Licensing Scotland A quick guide to what the new regulations on fees, licensing/ registration mean for tenants in Scotland
Be Clear on Fees and Licensing England, Wales and Northern Ireland A quick guide to what the new regulations on fees, licensing/ registration mean for tenants in Wales, England and Northern Ireland
Moving In v2- Lots of handy tips for things to do when moving into a new property
Moving Out v2 - Lots of tips for what to do when leaving a property
Tenancy Troubleshooting Guides - Lots of useful information on key rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants, as well as how to resolve issues during a tenancy
Tenancy Troubleshooting Guide (England)
Tenancy Troubleshooting Wales v2