Students Information

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Ready to Rent is an exciting new training programme, designed to give you the knowledge and skills you need to have a great time renting. The training will be delivered by local students’ unions – you can find out if your union is offering this training by visiting the events page. If your union is not already taking part, why not suggest it to them? There’s lots of information to help them get started here.

The training will help you understand how to:

  • avoid dodgy and overpriced homes
  • assert you rights as a renter
  • deal with common problems
  • and get your deposit back!

Following on from the training, you’ll be able to access the Ready to Rent Hub which is full of useful resources to help you every step of the way.

Register for an event where you are.

The content of the Ready to Rent programme was created in autumn 2014. NUS has provided this content in good faith and has taken care to make sure it’s accurate at the time of writing. However, housing issues can be complicated, and legal rights can change. We would recommend that you contact the advice centre in your students’ union, college or university, or another advice service if you are unsure or need more help.

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